Friday, December 31, 2010

I am on FIRE. A bit.

Did this the day before yesterday. It's James Harriot + Bodie the border terrier. I might come back and continue this some day.

Did this yesterday, took about half an hour. Wtf using colour is HARD.

Also yesterday. I actually enjoyed this one (probably because I love the original photo itself), but I didn't feel like I learnt or gained anything from doing this one. I couldn't do anything about mistakes in accuracies, measurements etc. because this was done in ink straight away. So when there were mistakes, I just ignored them and kept going anyway.

Today's practice. The cars are wrong.

If I try really hard on a picture, pay attention to the measurements, rendering, etc. and take care in making sure it resembles the reference, then it won't ever get finished. But if I overlook mistakes, or just don't care at all, it can sort of be finished.

Which is better, I wonder. Make finished, shitty pictures or just forever produce unfinished pictures that has like only ONE tiny little bit that's detailed??

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